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Balak – 1st Aliyah | Pause and Reflect

In this shiur on the 1st aliyah of the Torah portion of Balak, Maynard discusses Balaam and Balak. The Jewish people play a minimal role in the Parsha, as it primarily focuses on Balaam’s attempt to curse them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing that everything is designed by the Ultimate Creator and Director of the Universe.  ———————————————– Find more episodes of Mamash Mavericks (https://mamash.ai/podcasts/seven-complete-weeks-counting-the-omer/)  Apple (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/seven-complete-weeks-counting-the-omer/id1747190949) Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/0SmByuJeaum0foP0WDrSOL) YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZjarmga2BmSkj65te9TwKbv6VNO82rYi) ———————————————– Connect with us: Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/mamashmavericks) LinkedIn – Maynard (https://www.linkedin.com/in/maynardbreslow/) ———————————————– Struggling to predictably bring in new B2B clients or monetize your podcast? Discover the power of AI Lead Generation with our unique AMPED and SHEFA Deals at Mamash Mavericks. Our tailored lead generation strategies are designed to amplify your brand, drive meaningful engagement, and attract ideal clients. Book your MAZAL Method Meeting (https://mamash.ai/mazal/) with us today and let’s propel your business or podcast to new heights! ———————————————– Class Description: With Hashem’s loving grace, Maynard Breslow will be dropping a short shiur on the weekly torah portion’s aliyah of the day. Insights are drawn from various ancient and contemporary sources such as Rashi and other commentators, Midrash, the Zohar,with an added emphasis on Rebbe Nachman’s and Rav Shalom Arush’s teachings.  Perfect for those seeking personal and spiritual growth, each episode helps you integrate Torah wisdom into your life.  Subscribe, rate, and share to stay connected and enhance your Torah learning journey.

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