The shiur discusses the sefira of Netzach Sheb’Netzach which exemplifies the concept of living in the present moment and the power of now. It emphasizes the importance of surrendering to the moment and being fully present. Rav Benji relates this concept to the archetypical aspect of Moshe Rabbeinu and the eternal nature of his Torah. It also explores the connection between living in the moment and overcoming anxiety and depression. In the end, we will be asked if we enjoyed Hashem’s world and the easiest way to say yes is by being grateful for every moment.
00:00 The Significance of Netzach Falling on Shabbat
02:59 Moshe Rabbeinu and the Eternal Torah
05:37 Living in the Present Moment: The Essence of Netzach
08:51 Surrendering to the Power of Now
12:38 The Power of Forgetting and Moving On
14:47 Recovery: Sobriety One Day at a Time