Seven Complete Weeks Podcast with Maynard Breslow With Hashem's loving grace, Maynard Breslow will be dropping a short vort on the sefira of the day, everyday using the sefer “Dance of The Omer” by Rabbi Benji Elson as a guide in additional to other works. The hope is you will have a deeper experience in our journey of Sefirat HaOmer (Counting The Omer). Consider checking out Benji’s book “Dancing of the Omer” if you haven’t already.
Live With The Times: Daily Insights on Today’s Torah Portion
Day 27 - Yesod Sheb'Netzach (Relationships with Sustainability and Abundance)

This shiur discusses the concept of Yesod Sheb’Netzach, which relates to sustainable and resilient relationships. It emphasizes the importance of understanding what we are getting out of relationships and what we are giving. Yesod Sheb’Netzach explains that confidence is key in attracting healthy relationships and that coming from a place of abundance allows for sustainable self-worth.

Maynard highlights the need to be a giver in relationships and emulate Hashem’s giving nature. He also discusses the dangers of codependent relationships and the importance of analyzing and adjusting relationships that do not serve us. The shiur concludes by encouraging listeners to seek out healthy relationships and connect with others from a place of sustainable abundance.


00:00 Relationships with Sustaiability and Abundance

03:58 The Power of Giving in Relationships

06:37 Analyzing Different Types of Relationships

09:07 The Connection Between Abundance and Sustainable Relationships

12:31 Analyzing and Adjusting Unhealthy Relationships


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