Seven Complete Weeks Podcast with Maynard Breslow With Hashem's loving grace, Maynard Breslow will be dropping a short vort on the sefira of the day, everyday using the sefer “Dance of The Omer” by Rabbi Benji Elson as a guide in additional to other works. The hope is you will have a deeper experience in our journey of Sefirat HaOmer (Counting The Omer). Consider checking out Benji’s book “Dancing of the Omer” if you haven’t already.
Live With The Times: Daily Insights on Today’s Torah Portion
Day 21 - Malchut Sheb'Tiferet and Review of Week of Tiferet

The shiur explores the concept of Malchut Sheb’Tiferet, which is the Ownership of Balance/Harmony. It discusses the idea that chen plays in accepting responsibility and being a channel of abundance for others. The conversation also touches on the contradiction between Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut and the importance of holding space for contradictions. It delves into the traits of a king, such as charisma and grace, and how they can be used for both positive and negative purposes until they are balanced. The shiur concludes by reviewing the week of Tiferet so we can live a life of healing, accepting responsibility, and finding balance and harmony in life.

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