Seven Complete Weeks Podcast with Maynard Breslow With Hashem's loving grace, Maynard Breslow will be dropping a short vort on the sefira of the day, everyday using the sefer “Dance of The Omer” by Rabbi Benji Elson as a guide in additional to other works. The hope is you will have a deeper experience in our journey of Sefirat HaOmer (Counting The Omer). Consider checking out Benji’s book “Dancing of the Omer” if you haven’t already.
Live With The Times: Daily Insights on Today’s Torah Portion
Day 22 - Chesed Sheb'Netzach (Intro to Netzach and Self-Worth in Resilience)

The shiur introduces the themes surrounding the week of Netzach, which represents victory, dominance, stamina, and endurance. It emphasizes the importance of confidence, resilience, and being masterful in our actions. Netzach is also exemplified by the concept of falling and getting back up, being adaptable, and evolving with the times. Being as Netzach is the right leg, the week brings the need for action. We cannot think or meditate our way to action. As it says in recovery, “take an action, change a thought.”

Chesed Sheb’Netzach is taking the first step towards something we have been putting off, whether it’s a new endeavor or something we dropped along the way. The importance of self-love, self-worth, and forgiveness is emphasized, as well as the significance of focusing on victories and being kind to ourselves. Knowing the failures where good and something Hashem did for us, not to us, will give us the confidence to take action today.


00:00 Introduction to the week of Netzach
01:55 Confidence, Resilience, and Being Masterful
7:56 The Connection Between Confidence and Feeling Abundant
9:30 Victory Does Not Mean Someone Else Loses
11:56 Chesed Sheb’Netzach – Taking The First Step and Embracing Failure
13:54 Cultivating Self-Love and Self-Worth by Getting Back Up

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